A Matter of Attitude

by | Mar 30, 2021 | Life, Motivational

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We have been told umpteen number of times that knowledge and hard work are the keys to success. Is this true? Is this the whole truth? Should we swallow everything that is handed to us? Or, should we reflect upon some of them?

I think this merits a thorough study as some people claim that attitude is more important that knowledge and hard work. I came across a simple analysis that turned the earlier idea on its head. This analysis assigns numerical value of 1-26 to the 26 alphabets of the English language. So, the numerical value of ‘A’ is one; the numerical value of ‘B’ is two; the numerical value of ‘C’ is three; the numerical value of ‘D’ is four, and so on, and so forth. Here is the complete list of alphabets with their numerical values:

A (1); B (2); C (3); D (4); E (5); F (6); G (7); H (8); I (9); J (10); K (11); L (12); M (13); N (14); O (15); P (16); Q (17); R (18); S (19); T (20); U (21); V (22): W (23); X (24); Y (25); and, Z (26).

Let us see what happens when we assign these numerical values to the words: Knowledge; Hard Work; and, Attitude:
KNOWLEDGE: K (11)+ N (14)+ O (15)+ W (23)+ L (12)+ E (5)+ D (4)+ G (7)+ E (5) = 96

So, on a scale of 100, Knowledge scores only 96%! That is 4% short of a hundred percent. Now, let us look at what ‘Hard Work’ holds for us…
HARD WORK: H (8)+ A (1)+ R (18)+ D (4)+ W (23)+ O (15)+ R (18)+ K (11) = 98

All right, this one comes to 98%. But that is still short of a hundred by 2%. Now, let us take a look at ‘Attitude’:
ATTITUDE: A (1)+ T (20)+ T (20)+ I (9)+ T (20)+ U (21)+ D (4)+ E (5) = 100

Now, look at that! That is a 100%. That is a perfect 100!
I think, this analysis cannot be taken lightly. It is time to discard old beliefs and make way for new ones. And, I think, this one deserves a change of attitude!

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