Are You Mature Enough?

by | Sep 6, 2021 | Life

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In life, we start learning from the moment we are born. But we also pick up a lot of misconceptions along the way. When we grow up and are mature enough, it dawns on us that most of the perceptions we held so close to our heart were not what we thought they were.

The first signs of growing up is that you no longer engage in gossip, backbiting and bitching. You no longer find small talks or pettty discusions interesting, engaging, or exciting. You learn that these things amount to nothing and at best they poison your mind and that of others.

You realise that weekend parties are a waste of time, money, and sleep. Your concern for sleep deprivation overshadows your desire to have a good time. And, you ensure that you grab enough sleep no matter what.

You no longer wish to enage in long arguments with people or carry any grudge against those who wronged you for no reason. You begin to realise that forgiving others relieves you of the very burden of thought that weighs heavily on your mind. You forgive others not because you think that they did no wrong but because you feel that forgiving them releases you from the stranglehold of your negative experiences and frees your mind from those thoughts.

Being open to views and thoughts of others comes with maturity. You realise that their point of view is as important to them as your point of view is important to you. So, instead of contesting each time you give in sometimes to maintain peace and tranquility and promote a better relationship.

In other words, you begin to acknowledge that it is okay to have a difference of opionion. I think nobody can explain this in words better than those of Voltaire who said: ‘I may disapprove of what you say but I will defend to death your right to say it.”

With age we grow in wisdom and we begin to realise that love is a two-way traffic. Just because you like or love someone does not mean that the other person should also like or love you. It is important to accept the feelings of others rather than trying to force our love on someone who does not welcome your advances. It is better to leave them alone. If you are trying to force your love on someone who does not like it, you are actually outraging the modesty of that person. If the other person does not respond to your advances, learn to put up with your heartaches.

As we grow, we learn that it is not a good thing to be judgemental. We have our own parameters—but so do the others!

You learn not to enter into an argument which might end up in a row or a shouting match. You love your peace of mind. So, you prefer to keep quiet and let things pass.

The ultimate realisation is that you are responsible for your happiness—nobody else. So, if you are unhappy, it is time to start working on yourself.

These, in short, are signs of maturity.

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