At Home with Success Secrets

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Human being is out on an eternal search of success secrets. We rummage through each and every nook and cranny of the world to access the success secrets. You may be surprised to learn that all the success secrets that we are desperately hunting for, lay hidden in our very home.

If I were to tell you that all the secrets of success are locked up in the room that you live in, would you believe me? I know you wouldn’t. But the proof of the pudding is in tasting. So, here goes:

The moment you wake up every morning, what do you see? Youfind the fan hanging over you. The success secret the fan is trying to convey to you is: Do not get worked up. Take the heat off everyone and be cool!

When you open the window, you get to see the outside world. It is like a keyhole to the whole world. So, the message the window is trying to pass on to you is: take a world view in all matters of life.

The wall clock tries to tell you that time and tide wait for none. Do not waste your time because time is precious and once you waste your time, you would never be able to retrieve the lost time.So,make every moment count.

The reflection your find in the mirror wants you to reflect upon everything before you rush to some hasty decision or action.

Like the date that changes every day, the calendar wants you to be up-do-date. Don’t waste your time on the past because it results in irrational worry. Discard the past…it is dead and gone. Similarly, don’t spend your time worrying about the future because that may create anxiety.

The door has its own message to convey to you. It says open the door to opportunities and go after them with the grit and determination of a bulldog.

Just a brief glance at the ceiling would challenge you to aim high. Because, even if you set your aim really high and achieve 50% percent of what you have aimed for, you would still be successful.

The floor exhorts you to keen down and pray to God. It wants you to express your gratitude for all that you have in life.

In a nutshell, you have all the inspiration and motivation you need within the four walls of your home!

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