Vincent Van Ross

Advantages of Being a Loner

Advantages of Being a Loner

Most human beings are born with a natural tendency to depend on others for everything. This dependence is illogical. It becomes an expensive affair in the long run. If you are someone who needs company just for the heck of it or because you are a little insecure...

Difference Between Investing and Trading

Difference Between Investing and Trading

Most of us rush to the stock market impulsively to make a fast buck without understanding the basics of stock market. For instance, do we know what investment is all about? And, do we know how trading is different from investing? This is what we are going to learn...

You can Pull Yourself Out of Your Mess

You can Pull Yourself Out of Your Mess

If your life is in a mess, you have to blame yourself for it. When something goes wrong, learn to own up responsibility for that. Don’t play the victim card. Playing the victim card might help you to come out of the situation but it will handicap you for life. If you...

Are You Mature Enough?

Are You Mature Enough?

In life, we start learning from the moment we are born. But we also pick up a lot of misconceptions along the way. When we grow up and are mature enough, it dawns on us that most of the perceptions we held so close to our heart were not what we thought they were. The...

Leave Your Office on Time

Leave Your Office on Time

Always try to leave your office on time. There’s a reason why we have fixed office timings. You work from 9 to 5 or from 6 to 10. Again, you work 5 days a week or 6 days a week according to laws prevailing in your country. It is in your own interest to ensure that you...

Weekend Choices

Weekend Choices

Weekends are usually seen as holidays for relaxation and enjoyment. Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of people—people who are carefree by nature and people who take life seriously. Those who are carefree, use weekends to enjoy and relax throwing their worries to...

Happiness Quotient

Happiness Quotient

All of us want to be happy. But do we know how to multiply our happiness? Do we know how we can stimulate happiness in us? Well, if you do not know how to stimulate happiness in you, here are a few lessons on how to do it. Our body produces blood, sweat, urine and a...

Secret Door to Success

Secret Door to Success

The irony of success is that most of us know what it takes to achieve success. But, most of us are afraid of, or, do not have the inclination to tread the difficultpath that leads to success. First things first, learn to face your fears. A scared soldier never wins a...

The 2% Mindset

The 2% Mindset

Believe it or not—it is just 2% of the total population of the world that dreams big and works hard to make their dreams come true. They not only aim big but are also willing to step out of their comfort zone to fulfil their dreams. The rest of the 98% people are...

Does Your Partner Love You?

Does Your Partner Love You?

It might take an entire lifetime to understand your partner. And, it is quite possible that you may not understand each other even after that. This may sound strange but this is the home truth. Spouses spring surprises on their partners even after decades of married...