Vincent Van Ross

You Can Rebuild Yourself

You Can Rebuild Yourself

If things go wrong, take heart. Do not despair. Do not lose hope. You can rebuild your life just as you can rebuild your body if you keep your hopes alive. Your hope can work wonders for you. No matter how much you have suffered in your life, life always gives you a...

Keep Your Secrets to Yourself

Keep Your Secrets to Yourself

There is nothing wrong with being secretive. After all, it is your own secrets that you are trying to keep to yourself. In fact, it is in your own interest not to share your secrets with others. If you share your secrets, they may be used against you in multifarious...

It’s All in the Mindset

It’s All in the Mindset

Your mindset is Everything. Everything you are doing or not doing depends upon your mindset. In other words, your mindset has a lot to do with how you are faring in life. Try not to be arrogant. Learn from your mistakes. Each time you correct yourself, you become a...

Keep Distance—UR 2 Close

Keep Distance—UR 2 Close

All you need is an unfaithful partner, selfish friends or interfering relatives to make a hell out of your life. Ironically, most of us seem to experience no dearth of such people in our lives. It does not matter whether you are male or female,if your spouse cheats on...

Just A Matter of Courage

Just A Matter of Courage

A big chunk of the world’s population prefers to adopt a submissive stance in situations and matters that demand grit and determination to stand up and fight either for oneself or for others. However, you need courage not only to fight but also live your life to the...

Don’t be Ashamed of Yourself

Don’t be Ashamed of Yourself

The most important thing in life is to be original. Be yourself. God meant it that way. And, if you are an atheist, nature meant it that way. Nature does not produce duplicates. Every unit of every living being has a unique identity in this universe. Preserve and...

Dream Big to Achieve Success

Dream Big to Achieve Success

Dreams may not always come true. Dream big all the same. Because, if you dream big, and achieve 10% of your big dream, you may still be better off than achieving 100% of a small-time dream. The best part is that dreams don’t cost you a thing. Once you dream big and...

How and Why to Develop a Positive Attitude

How and Why to Develop a Positive Attitude

Life could be so enjoyable if only we learn to be simple in our approach. For some reason, we seem to complicate our lives and mess it up. The sure-shot way to enjoying life to develop a positive approach towards life. Life pays dividends when we do that. Here are...

How to Recognize Toxic People

How to Recognize Toxic People

In this piece of writing, I will try to help you recognize the characteristics of toxic people so that you may keep them at arm’s length from the very beginning. Engaging with them might be injurious to your metal as well as physical health and well-being. You must...