Avoid Negative Self-Talk

by | Feb 17, 2022 | Life, Motivational

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When there are so many others to spread negativity everywhere, why do you have to add to the negativity by indulging in negative self-talk.

It does not augur well to harbour negative thoughts in our mind. Because, thoughts grow on us. Negative thoughts lead to negative approach towards everything. There’s something called auto-suggestion. We become what we think. That is how it works. If you are someone given to negative self-talk, stop it this very moment because it could have far-reaching consequences.

If you are in a position where you are not doing anything, focus on what you could do. If nothing else, learn a new skill instead of cribbing about the adverse situation you are in.

Today, almost everybody has access to mobile phones and internet. ‘You Tube’ is full of free videos on skill development. Spend some time to acquire new skills. It will stand you in good stead. In any case, there is nothing to lose by learning new skills for free in the comfort of your home or wherever you live.

The thing is, if you have nothing to do and if you don’t keep yourself occupied, you will develop a guilty feeling. That could lead to self-deprecation and depression. So, check yourself before guilty feeling sets in.

It is not just a question of self-guilt because self-guilt results in self-doubt. Once that happens, you begin to doubt your own capabilities. You know in the heart of your hearts that is not true but still you tend to believe that.

It is not in your interest to get into a state of self-doubt because that generates a feeling of helplessness. The worst thing about this feeling is that it generates a feeling that you cannot do anything.

So, from a position of ‘you are not doing anything,’ you reach a position where you surrender yourself to a state of hopelessness. Earlier you were not doing anything. But, now, you reach a stage where your mind is programmed to accept that you cannot do anything. Do you understand the difference?

When you say you are not doing anything, what it means is that there is dearth of opportunities at a given point of time. But when you say you cannot do anything that is an admission that you have lost the ability to do anything. Never let that happen. Check your negative thoughts because negative thoughts push you into a vicious circle. You get sucked into a vortex out of which it would be very difficult to come out. So, avoid negativity at all costs.

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