
The 7-Day Rule for Sensible Spending

The 7-Day Rule for Sensible Spending

No matter how little we earn, if we are unable to save, it is our own fault. No use blaming others for it. Don’t be in a hurry to buy anything. Impulsive buys are never worth the money you spend on them. If only we could delay our decision to buy things for some; if...

Secrets of the Money Game

Secrets of the Money Game

Most of us are simple—sometimes to the extent of being simpletons. Many of us are found wanting in self-esteem. We readily do things for others for free. One of the reasons why some people are impoverished is that they do not understand their value. They neglect or...

The Roadmap for Early Retirement

The Roadmap for Early Retirement

Who wants to slog through life if they can retire early and lead a comfortable life? Is that possible at all? Yes, indeed! Here’s how: Everyone must plan for their retirement the day they find their first job or as early as possible in life. The sooner you begin, the...

Logical Guide to Investment

Logical Guide to Investment

Investment is always dicey. Investment in stocks could be wrought with dangers of all kinds. So, we need to be extra careful while making investment decisions. The cardinal principle of investment is: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. All the eggs may break in...

The Six Laws of Wealth

The Six Laws of Wealth

We are born spendthrifts. We are always in a tearing hurry to spend money even before we have earned it. That is why credit card companies are doing roaring business. So are the loan department of banking companies. This is precisely the reason why we fail to generate...

Another Look at Trading and Investing

Another Look at Trading and Investing

I posted a blog on Trading and Investing recently. But I ran into some interesting material that has necessitated another blog. So, here we go: The main difference between Trading and Investing is that trading is a short-term proposition and Investment is a long-term...

Difference Between Investing and Trading

Difference Between Investing and Trading

Most of us rush to the stock market impulsively to make a fast buck without understanding the basics of stock market. For instance, do we know what investment is all about? And, do we know how trading is different from investing? This is what we are going to learn...

Invest on Assets not Liabilities

Invest on Assets not Liabilities

No matter how much you earn, your financial stability will always depend on how you spend the money and how much you save out of your earnings. The thumb rule is: Never spend more than what you earn. Don’t be in a hurry to impress others. Because, when you do that,...