
Find The Right Place

Find The Right Place

No matter where you stand on the academic front. No matter how highly you are qualified, you may still be bandied about and humiliated because the people you choose to work with or are forced to work with due to a quirk of fate, may not value your education or...

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is, perhaps, the mother of all the days dedicated to different causes in the world. God cannot be everywhere all at once. So, God sent a mother to each family. This resonates with me because I have experienced God on earth in the form of my mother. She...

That’s the Way, I Like it

That’s the Way, I Like it

When someone goes out of one’s way to help you, be ready with a big thank you. And, say that with a smile on your face. And, say that in a way that makes one feel that you are really grateful for what the person did for you. If you don’t do that, you are an ingrate....

Time to Learn Delaying Tactics

Time to Learn Delaying Tactics

Sometimes we don’t want to accept or reject a proposal because we have too many things on our hands. Someone is sitting in front of you trying to push their proposal. But you are not in a mood to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ without giving due consideration to the pros and cons...

Traits that Lead to Success

Traits that Lead to Success

When it comes to success, nothing works like hard work. You may be highly educated; you may be smart and pushy; you may even be lucky; but hard work holds the key to sustainable success stories. If you are a lazy bum, you may not even take off, let alone achieve...

Steering into the Success Zone

Steering into the Success Zone

The current human population of the world is approximately 8 billion. Out of that, only 800 million people make some serious effort to achieve success in life. That is just 10% of the total population of the world. But what about the rest? It might be shocking to...

How to Deal with Negativity

How to Deal with Negativity

Some people are given to negativity by nature. They not only manufacture negativity day in and day out but also distribute their negativity generously among the people they come in contact with. At the end of the day, it is not only them but also those on whom they...

So Many Ways to Say ‘No’

So Many Ways to Say ‘No’

We are so caught up in life’s struggles that we do not seem to realize how many times we end up doing things that we would not have done only if we had the luxury of a second thought. The other thing is that we seem to be under the illusion that every life situation...

Types of Stock in the Stock Market

Types of Stock in the Stock Market

Basically, there are just a few types of stocks in the stock market. These are: Blue-chip; Growth; Defensive; Cyclical; Penny; Dividend; and, Speculative. Of course, there could be many more types of stocks that may not be as important as these. Blue-chip stocks are...