
Gain Respect for Free

Gain Respect for Free

Who doesn’t want to be respected? Is there anyone in this world who doesn’t want to be respected? In fact, all of us crave respect in society. The good thing is that there are at least 10 things that require no money and zero talent that will help you to enhance your...

Watchwords of Wisdom

Watchwords of Wisdom

You might wonder as to why the title of this blog is “Watchwords of Wisdom” and not “Words of Wisdom.” The reason is quite simple. Because, these are things that you have to watch out for: Watch your thoughts, For, they become words. Watch your words For, they become...

What Sets Winners and Losers Apart?

What Sets Winners and Losers Apart?

What sets winners and losers apart? Several traits. Here are some of them. Take a closer look and you will realize why you are on the dividing line that you are in! To begin with, winners are undaunted by difficult situations. The moment they encounter a problem, they...

How to Retain Your Best Employees

How to Retain Your Best Employees

Basically, there are three types of employees. Some of them are absolutely ‘engaged’ meaning they work with passion. They are committed to their job, and they pursue innovation to improve the status of their organization. Then you have employees that are...

Qualities of Successful People

Qualities of Successful People

When the majority of people are craving for success in their lives, there must be some sterling qualities which distinguish successful people from unsuccessful people. Yes, indeed! Repeated studies of successful people have yielded a list of things that successful...

Never Give Up Without a Fight

Never Give Up Without a Fight

The very fact that you are standing here in one piece means that your ancestors were survivors. It means that you too are a survivor. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be standing here in one piece. Your ancestors had a survival instinct. And, that instinct is embedded in your...

Take Control of Your Life

Take Control of Your Life

If you are cribbing about the state of affairs in your life and blaming others for the bad things that have happened to you, you are actually confessing that you did not act in situations when you should have acted. You are telling the world that by being passive in...

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

I heard a story of a rich and powerful businessman who travelled to a third world country. There he checked into a 7-star hotel—the best in the country. In the morning, he would go for a stroll outside the hotel with his sidekicks in tow. When they reached some busy...

The Advantage of Being a Backbencher

The Advantage of Being a Backbencher

I have been a backbencher all my life. And, I have thoroughly enjoyed being one. The general impression is that backbenchers are no good. Therefore, it was quite natural for my peers to think of me as a dull boy when I was in school. My teachers never thought...

From Negative Energy to Positive Energy

From Negative Energy to Positive Energy

Every thought that emanates from the human mind; every word that emerges from our mouth; every action that our body churns out; creates an energy cycle. The energy thus generated might be positive energy or negative energy depending on its origin. If the origin of the...