
How to Deal with Stress

How to Deal with Stress

Anything that causes stress could lead to depression. If it is not addressed in good time, it might end up in deep depression. It is, therefore, in our own interest to find ways to prevent or reduce stress in our life while we can. If you are stressed, you have to...

How Accurate are Astrological Predictions?

How Accurate are Astrological Predictions?

If you are someone who grabs for Sunday newspapers or magazines and reads the astrological predictions for the week before everything else, or follows astrological predictions on YouTube channels or such other sources on a daily basis, hold on! The weekly predictions...

Could Monsoon Be a Second Spring?

Could Monsoon Be a Second Spring?

Perhaps there is no season that is more pleasant than spring. Nature seems to have reserved the spring season to put its best foot forward. The days are not so warm and the nights are not so cold and the fragrance of flowers wafts through the air. When spring is in...

Reach Out to the Depressed

Reach Out to the Depressed

On a world level, 300 million people of all age groups are believed to be afflicted by some kind of depression. In other words, one in every six persons in the world is believed to be suffering from some kind of mental or substance use disorder. These disorders...

The Three Brains of Human Beings

The Three Brains of Human Beings

How many brains do human beings have? What kind of a question is that? All of us are born with one brain unless it is a quirk of nature. Isn’t it? If you thought that you have only one brain that is encased in your head, you are in for a shock! If you have only one...