Contentment is the Soul of Happiness

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Life, Philosophy

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There are two things that you can do in life. Either you can enjoy what you have and work towards what you do not have, or, you can crib over things that you do not have and spend your life lamenting over that.

Stop cribbing if you want to lead a meaningful life. Cribbing will never get you anywhere. It may not even let you remain where you are. In fact, it might take you a few steps backwards in life. So, instead of cribbing, learn to appreciate the good things of life that you possess.

You may be staying in an apartment. Agreed that it is not a mansion that you would have liked to own. But it is still a house that provides shelter to you. At least you are not homeless. There is nothing like a home. A big house is just a house. It takes a happy family to turn a house into a home. So, work on that rather than wasting your time on sob stories about what you do not have.

You may not have a Mercedes Benz to flaunt your wealth and status in the society. But if you have a car that has a body, steering, clutch, brakes, accelerator and four wheels that move, you should be thankful to your luck for that. There are so many people who cannot afford even a battered car. Remember all cars do the same thing at the end of the day. At least, you don’t have to walk all way day in and day out.

The job you are doing may not be the best job in the world. But if you have a job, you are at least employed. Pick up from the first job you get and work your way up the ladder. That’s a lot better than wasting your time cribbing over your humble beginning. Besides, cribbing will get you nowhere.

Something is always better than nothing. So, count your blessings rather than cribbing about things you do not have. Happiness does not come from things that you are going after. Happiness comes from being contented with what already you have because contentment is the soul of happiness.

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