Dealing with Anxiety

by | May 7, 2021 | Life

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Concern for our future is natural. But overthinking about our future could cause anxiety. Anxiety creates a feeling of insecurity. The more we learn to live in the present moment, the less we would be affected by anxiety.
The problem with anxiety is that it does not end there. In fact, it sets a chain reaction in motion that goes to worsen our anxiety levels resulting in health disorders. Worse still, it could lead to depression.

During our anxious moments, we tend to overlook just about everything. This includes our food intake. But that could be dangerous because if we do not take our meals at the appropriate time, it may cause weakness in our body resulting in further anxiety. Undue worry about our future may also pave the way for nervousness and irritability.
On the flip side, there are people who take to binge eating when they go through bouts of anxiety. More often than not, they end up consuming food or drinks with significant sugar content. Though sugar suppresses anxiety temporarily, it worsens the anxiety levels in the long run besides triggering other health issues.

We must cultivate sensible food habits and work out a nutrient based food intake regimen for ourselves in order to avoid this. If our food intake falls short of essential nutrients, that may give rise to physical and mental repercussions. It may even adversely affect our nervous system.

We are not permanent fixtures. We are human beings. We are designed to move around. We are not meant to plant ourselves in one place like a tree. Movement and exercise help to reduce our anxiety levels. But, people that become victims of anxiety prefer to lie down on their bed and spend their time tossing and turning.

These days we have more bad news than good news—at least that is how we feel after watching or listening to news bulletins on television and radio or reading newspapers. The same goes for news content on the internet and YouTube channels. The negativity that emanates from these news items may enter our thought process and aggravate our anxiety levels. For our own sake, It is better to avoid bad news than to sit around and watch it.

Spot your anxiety at first sight. Get to the bottom of the cause of your anxiety and deal with it immediately. Postponing your action may worsen the situation.

Drinking coffee or tea may seem to suppress our anxiety but that is only for a little while. It is better to invest in organic food instead. Processed foods contain ingredients that may harm our health in the long run. Drink enough water and keep your body hydrated. Dehydration can generate anxiety.

Similarly, alcohol may seem to reduce your anxiety levels by numbing our senses but it increases our anxiety levels once the intoxication subsides. Also, consumption of excessive alcohol causes dehydration and leads to other complications.

Anxiety might cause insomnia which could lead to sleep deprivation. Human body needs eight hours’ sleep. We should sleep for at least six hours in one go and compensate for the rest by grabbing a nap whenever we can. Otherwise, this too could have an adverse effect on our health condition.

The long and the short of it is: the less we think about our future, the less we would be hounded by anxiety. The best remedy to this situation is to constantly engage with the present moment and be engrossed in what is going on in our life just now. That should help keep anxiety at bay and our anxiety levels under check.

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