Dealing with Tough Times

by | Mar 14, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Life may not always be a smooth sailing affair. We are bound to hit hard times off and on. There is nothing unusual about it. That’s one good reason why we should take it in our stride. I remember the title of a motivational book I read long, long ago: ‘Tough Times Never Last—Tough People Do’ or something to that effect. I think the title itself sends a clear signal to our mind as to how our attitude towards tough times can make all the difference to the situation as well as our life.

Here are some tips that may ease your stress levels and help you to tide over your difficulties during difficult times. The moment you accept certain things and adopt a positive attitude towards what is happening in your life, you take the first step towards winning the war against the tough times in your life.

First things first, always remember that nothing is quite permanent in life. Day in and day out you face the daylight as well as the darkness of night. And, you know in the heart of your hearts that the night will come to an end next morning and you will again see the light of the day. So, try to understand that this is a law of nature. So, whenever you are a little down, don’t sink into a state of depression. Stand up and fight the situation and find ways of coming out of it. Always remember that there’s light at the end of the tunnel no matter how long the tunnel is.

Irrespective of your age, the fact is that you have faced umpteen number of trials and tribulations up until now. You have overcome numerous challenges to get here. And, if you believe in yourself, you will come out of each and every trying situation with flying colours if only you have the conviction that it is very much possible.

Don’t start cursing yourself, if you make a mistake. When you work, there’s every chance that you might make mistakes. Don’t get discouraged by mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Just do all you can to correct the mistakes and move on. That’s called ‘Learning Experience.’

Sometimes we do not get what we want. That’s perfectly okay. May be we have something better coming our way. If that is the case, it more of a blessing than anything else.

Even when your chips are down, try to have some fun. It will bring you unimaginable relief. If you keep brooding over negative situations, you will only make things worse.

Don’t drift into a situation where you start being critical about yourself. Don’t start cursing the situation and holding yourself responsible for what has gone wrong. Instead, if something has gone wrong, try to find ways to put things right. But don’t curse yourself because self-deprecation leads to inconfidence and negativity. That can only worsen the situation. Learn to be kind to yourself.

Don’t let others dump their negativity on you. Unless you are a strong person equipped to work on negative people and bring them out of their negativity, avoid engaging with them. Give them a wide berth and walk away from them. You will do yourself a lot of good particularly when you are already reeling under a tough situation.

When things don’t go your way, try to find things to thank for. Even in the worst moments of our life, there are always little things that are worth thanking for. If you do that, your situation may take off in an altogether different direction. That might bring some relief. That could help counter-balance the situation to some extent. Even in the darkest corners of the world, there’s always a ray of hope. All the darkness in this world cannot subdue the thinnest ray of light. But even a ray of light can pierce through darkness.That ray of light is your ray of hope. Cling to it and never let it go.

As I conclude, I am reminded of the title of another book: When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going…” So, you know what to do when you are faced with tough situations. Just keep going. You have the power to overcome all kinds of tough situations. You have the power to outmanuevre and outlast tough situations and come out a winner. So, take the first step and get going. You are sure to win. You are born to win.

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