Did Human Beings Create God?

by | Apr 19, 2021 | Philosophy, Spirituality & Religion

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Did God create human beings? Or, is it the other way around? Did human beings create God, after all? Blasphemous as it might sound, there are stories to support both the theories.

All religious texts propound and propagate the theory that God created the universe. And, then, God created all living beings including human beings. All religions propagate the belief that God is the be-all and end-all of the universe.

The other theory, however, contends that the image of God was created as a result of fear psychosis. According to this theory, when the early men set out on long hunting expeditions leaving the womenfolk behind in the safety of their cave dwellings, the women developed anxiety over a period of time. The longer the men took to return with food, the more anxious the womenfolk got. Prolonged anxiety gave way to fear and resulted in fear psychosis.

During the absence of their menfolk, the womenfolk developed an urge to confide their fears in someone or something from whom they could draw some solace and courage. That resulted in the womenfolk worshipping nature in its various forms. They started worshipping the trees, the rocks, the rivers, the rain—in fact, just about anything which gave them confidence to fight the fears of the unknown that haunted their minds. In doing so, they unknowingly created the concept of God. Then, they initiated rituals to propitiate the Gods symbolized by elements of nature. This inclination of human beings towards nature worship seems to have sown the seeds of primitive animistic rituals that transformed into the earliest tribal religions. Eventually, the concept of God got entrenched in the belief systems of human beings and evolved into major religions of the world.

However, this runs counter to the general belief of all major religions which contend that there is an almighty God who created the entire universe and all the living beings and established the world order.

Then there is the theory of evolution postulated by Charles Darwin which debunks the theory of creation itself. In short, this theory contends that all that we see in the world today are results of evolution of different species of life forms over millions of years. He argued that the fittest of the species survive through natural selection and evolve according to the needs of the changing times. The species of living beings we see today are a result of millions of years of evolution based on the theory of the survival of the fittest. Some people who buy this theory refuse to acknowledge the existence of God. They are considered to be atheists.

All the religious texts are, however, unanimous in their pronouncement that the God is almighty and that he created the universe and all the living beings. There are stories relating to creation in sacred scriptures belonging to all religions.

We all believe that God is one. Yet, every religious denomination sees God in an image of its own choice. How can that be?

The point is: God might have created the universe and all that is there in it. But it cannot be denied that human beings may have created many Gods to suit every religion!

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