Do Not Waste Your Time

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Life, Motivational

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Never waste your time because time is money. Do whatever you want to do. But don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration to do something. Inspiration may not come to people who spend their time waiting for it. It comes to people on its own.

Don’t waste your time thinking what others think of you. What others think of you, is none of your business. Just do what is right and forget about what people would think of that. They are not the ones who are financing your life. You are the one who is earning your bread and butter and running your life. So, what others think of you should never bother you.

Some of us are so obsessed with problems that we see some problem in everything. And, we start complaining about every little thing. It is best to learn how to solve our problems rather than just cribbing about them. Cribbing never solves any problem but results in wastage of time.

You don’t have to please anyone or everyone. Don’t even think of wasting your time on that. You just do what must be done and if that displeases someone be it so. Besides, if you try to please everyone, you will please none.
You are unique. You are not like any other living being on earth. God meant it to be that way. So, don’t waste your time comparing yourself with anyone else. Everybody is born with a different destiny. Your journey is not the same as theirs. So, it doesn’t make any sense to compare yourself with others.

If you make a mistake by mistake, it’s okay. But if you make the very same mistakes again and again, it’s not okay. Because, it means that you are not learning from your past mistakes. So, every time you make a mistake, make a note of it and make sure you correct it as soon as you realize it. And, make sure that you never repeat it. That’s better than wasting your time pondering over your mistakes.

Try to do your job as best as you can and try to improve upon it, whenever possible. But never be obsessed with perfection. There’s nothing called a last word in anything. So, if you strive for perfection, you will waste a lot of time doing that and that will have a bearing on your total output.

When you apply yourself to doing a job, don’t start off with a negative bent of mind. Don’t be afraid of failing. Many success stories have been built on failures. Besides, as the former President of India, Dr. Abul Kalam, explained: FAIL is short for ‘First Attempt in Learning.’ So, approach your job with the confidence that it does not matter if you fail in your first attempt. You can lick it if you persist with your efforts.

Above all, live life king size. Learn to enjoy your life to the fullest. No matter how limited your resources are. You can still enjoy your life within those resources if you try. Everything comes with an expiry date. Our days are numbered, so to say. So, make the most of every single moment and don’t waste your time at any cost.

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