Does Your Partner Love You?

by | Aug 16, 2021 | Life

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It might take an entire lifetime to understand your partner. And, it is quite possible that you may not understand each other even after that. This may sound strange but this is the home truth. Spouses spring surprises on their partners even after decades of married life.

Love relationships are always riddled with apprehensions, doubts and what not? But here are a few parameters for assessing whether a partner loves you…

If your partner loves and cares for you, the odds are that your partner would be concerned about you day in and day out. Their actions exude concern and care for you. They would constantly enquire about your health, welfare and well-being. If you are unwell or uncomfortable, they would notice that in a jiffy.

They will spend quality time with you when you return home after the day’s work. They will make sure that everything went off well in your office. And, they will listen to all that you say with rapt attention. If they ask you a question, they will listen carefully when you answer their question. You will never notice a casual attitude towards you.

Their main concern is to ensure a happy life for you. Anything that hurts you would be a matter of great concern for them. They cannot see you in tears. They cannot see you suffering. They will do everything to keep you out of harm’s way.

They will always consult you or, at least, consider your interests while making decisions that affect both of you.
If you are bothered about something, they will not rest till they find out as to what is bothering you. They will apply themselves completely to bail you out of situations that bother you. And, they will stand by you and support you till you are out of the woods.

They will never be unfaithful to you or do anything that might lead to parting of ways with you. That’s because they value you and your contributions to their life.

When there is a conflict of interests, they will always keep your interests in their mind. They may even negotiate or compromise while making their decisions in order to ensure that your interests are not compromised in any way.

When they say ‘I love you,’ you can be sure that they really mean it. You can be sure that they are telling the truth. They will never hand out hollow promises to you. They will always back up their words with actions because they are genuine people.

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