First Deserve – Then Desire

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Motivational

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All of us want to be rich and powerful. All of us want to be successful in life. All of us want to be happy in our life. But, how many of us are willing to put our shoulders to the yoke and do what it takes to get all these? Not many! That is the reason why many of us fall short of these. That is why many of us are not successful in our lives. That is why many of us fall by the wayside.

We want to be rich and successful. But nobody wants to work hard to get there. We want easy money and effortless success. But it does not work that way. We have to toil for riches and success. It is only 1% of people upon whom lady luck shines and showers her blessings for reasons best known to her, and her alone! The rest of us, accounting for 99% of the population, have to sweat it out.

We just look at successful people and start cribbing that we do not have what they have. But we hardly ever spend time to find out how they got there. We have little interest in their journey. We just look at their success. But the fact is that they did not get there one fine morning. They worked their way up there through determination and persistence. We need to do the same thing.

Is it right to desire things that we do not deserve? First, we must do all that we can, to deserve what we desire. Then, and only then, do we have the right to desire what we desire. It is downright stupid to desire something for which we have not put in sufficient efforts to achieve our goals.

The point is: before we desire something, we have to ask ourselves as to whether we even deserve those things. How can anyone ask for something that they do not even deserve in the first place? We must ensure that we deserve what we desire before we start desiring for something. If we deserve what we desire, we can expect the vibrations of this universe and the positive energy generated by our efforts to work in unison to make that happen.

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