Five Things to Avoid

by | Apr 3, 2023 | Life, Philosophy

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If we are making slow progress, it may be because we may be stumbling over roadblocks that we have built for ourselves. Or, the boat that we are rowing may still be tied to the shore. We can put ourselves on the fast track to progress by avoiding or overcoming those roadblocks. Or, by cutting the rope that ties the boat to the shore.
‘Ego’ is a small word that could cause huge problems. If we have ego problems, we may take longer to learn things because ego creates complexes. The moment we shed our inflated ego; things will start falling in their right places. And, things will start moving.

We need not have every little thing that our neighbors have. So long as we are jealous of our neighbors, we would go after everything our neighbors have. If we get into an envy trap, it is a never-ending trap. Once we fall into this trap, we will never be able to focus on ourselves completely because our mind will always be preoccupied with our neighbors.

When we are angry, it is better to count a hundred and keep counting till our anger subsides because we don’t see things in their right perspective when we are angry. And, most of what we do in a fit of anger might put us to shame forever. Remember, we cannot see our face on boiling water. But we can see our reflection on still waters.
If we make our decisions in a hurry, we will live to regret it. Any decision that is not a well-informed decision will backfire at some point in time. So, we must try to enlighten ourselves about the situation before we arrive at our decision. Our decisions must be well considered and well-conceived.

We fail to see things when we are afraid. Fear prevents us from seeing the truth. Fear prevents you from seeing and seizing opportunities. Let us be fearless. Let us be bold.

If we are really serious about becoming successful in our lives, it is imperative to avoid the five factors that are roadblocks to our success. We must avoid or overcome our ego, envy, anger, ignorance and fear to join the bandwagon of success.

Think it over…!

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