Get on to the Driver’s Seat

by | Apr 23, 2021 | Life

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Our life is like a car. Before we switch on the ignition and start the car, we need to check the oil and coolant levels. We need to check the air pressure in the wheels. Most importantly, we need to check the fuel gauge.

Once you enter your car, make sure that you are seated in the driver’s seat. Because, when you are in the driver’s seat, you know exactly where you are, at the start of the journey. And, you get a clear view of the roads you have driven past, in the rear view mirror. That’s not all. You also get a full view of the road ahead through the wide windscreen.

The best part is that you have the steering wheel between your hands. You can steer your car straight ahead. Or, you can turn it to the left or the right. If you have hit the wrong road, you can also reverse your car to a previous position. Or, make a U-Turn.

If that is not enough, you have the clutch to engage the gear and set the car in motion. You can also change gears to set the desired speed. You can step on the accelerator or the gas pedal to further speed up your travel or reduce the speed by taking off your foot from the gas pedal. And, you have the brakes for slowing down or to stop the car.

If you are in the driver’s seat, you are the one in control. You are the boss of your journey. So, whenever you enter your car, make sure that you plant yourself firmly in the driver’s seat. Take control and take responsibility for your journey.

Don’t hand over the keys or controls of your car to your co-passengers or friends. Make sure you don’t become a passenger in your own car. If you hand over the car keys to someone else, they will steer the car towards their destination.

Always be in the driver’s seat. That’s the only way to ensure that you have a smooth run. That’s the only way to ensure that you reach your destination according to your plans.
That is the whole secret of life!

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