Golden Rules for Success in Life

by | Oct 4, 2021 | Life

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The thumb rules to success can be literally be counted on our fingers. Basically, there are three thumb rules to success. Here we go:

The first thumb rule is that if you do not chase what you want, you will never get it. For this, you must have the desire, the inclination, and the drive to achieve what you want in life. Lazy bugs achieve next to nothing. Take the case of a lazy crocodile which is so docile that it cannot push itself to hunt for food. It simply lies on the riverbank with its mouth wide open with the fond hope that some prey might stray into its mouth. There’s a one-in-a-million chance that such a thing might happen. But those chances are very rare and the crocodile might die of hunger.

The second thumb rule is that if you do not ask, the answer will always be ‘No.’ Believe it or not, but most of us are reluctant to approach people and ask them for help. We tend to assume that they would not think of helping us with the result that we do not take the first step towards seeking help. That is not a constructive attitude at all. It takes all kinds of people to make this world. And, obviously, there are some very kind souls moving around in this world. Who knows, they might be willing to help provided you walk up to them ask for help. You will never know whether they will help or not unless you ask them. So, please take the initiative to ask them before you decide that they will not help.

The third thumb rule is that if you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place. Obviously, if you do not make any effort and try to move ahead in life, you will remain in the same position forever. If you want to succeed in life, you will have to work towards achieving that goal. You have to tap every opportunity that comes your way. And, when that does not happen, you have to go out and seek opportunities so that you may work on them. If you do not recognise opportunities and grab them—if you let grass grow under your feet—the odds are that you will find yourself in a state of stagnation.

So, you must go after what you want and never take a ‘No’ for an answer before you ask and the other party responds. Even if the answer you get is ‘No’ you should work on how to convert that ‘No’ into ‘Yes.’You have to go after your goals with the grit and determination of a bulldog. If you do all these, nothing can stop you from succeeding in life.

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