Gospel Truths of Life

by | Jun 9, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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It takes years of experience to learn the truths of life. Many of us learn these truths the hard way. But we tend to learn this one way or the other as we journey through our life. It is only a question of time. It is only a question of when enlightenment dawns on our super brain!

No matter what the world says, there’s no true and trustworthy relationship on earth as that of a mother. A mother can replace every other member of the family or even the society but nobody can replace her.

Most of the people who rally around you during your heyday will vanish into thin air the moment you lose your wealth. Always remember, a poor man has no friends. At best, a poor man may find some sympathisers.

Notwithstanding the kind of respect someone commands in the society, people will always fall first for good looks and then, and only then, for good thoughts. Beauty blurs the mind and confuses the thought process. Given a choice between beauty and principles, most of us tend to choose beauty over principles.

If you are moneyed; if your dress and address signify your status in the society in monetary terms, the odds are that you will attract a natural flow of respect. Because, it is the money that the society respects, not the person.

You may work day and night to make the person you love most as happy as you can. But let us not forget that it is the people we love most that hurt us the most. After some time, the people we love most start taking us for granted and think nothing of hurting us.

If you are speaking the truth, you don’t need to explain yourself. Because the moment you try to explain a plain truth, it becomes complicated.

When we are happy, we seem to enjoy the music. But when we are sad, we tend to dwell on each word of the song and understand the true meaning of the lyrics.

In life, two things define you—your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything. When we have nothing, we tend to be short-tempered and get angry with every little thing. Similarly, when we have everything, it goes to our head and makes us arrogant. A level-headed person will not be swayed by any swing in his fortunes. That is the litmus test of your personality.

If you remember and understand these gospel truths, you will never be disappointed in your life.

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