Guide to Symptomatic Behaviour

by | Jul 5, 2021 | Life, Philosophy

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No matter how depressed we are, we try to put forth a bold face. We always try to put our best foot forward. After all, we are not keen to fall victim to the prying eyes of the people that are always on the lookout for what makes up juicy stuff for gossip. Plus, we don’t want to make a mockery of ourselves in a society that is dying to feed on the misfortune of others to derive some sadistic pleasure. I do not want to portray a negative picture of our society. But this is the home truth.

For some reason, many of us do not seem to derive so much pleasure from the nice things that happen to us. On the contrary, we seem to draw sadistic pleasure from unfortunate things that happen to others. So, it makes sense to protect ourselves from the people who are out to sock us when our chips are down. It is for this reason that we suppress our depressive feelings and step out with a smile on our face. Not many can decipher what a smiling face holds behind it.

But, if you have friends who are really concerned about your well-being, they may be able to get under the surface and see what lies underneath irrespective of how well we try to conceal the truth. Let us explore a little bit of the underlying psychology behind our behaviour:

If a person laughs too often even at unwarranted situations, it is an indication that the person feels lonely deep inside. If a person sleeps for more than eight hours for no reason, that means the person is sad inside.
If a person does not speak much but is given to speaking fast, that means he keeps secrets. We often think that people who don’t cry are strong. In fact, the opposite is true. In psychological terms they are considered to be weak.

People who are well-versed in table etiquettes may eat in awkward fashion when they are tense. Because, when a person is tense, neither their thoughts nor their actions are under their control.
Anyone who cries at the drop of a hat is, either innocent or soft-hearted, or both. Many innocent people start crying when wrong accusations are levelled against them. It is a spontaneous reaction because they are not equipped to take such things in their stride.

It might look odd but people who are short-tempered are often in need of love. Many people become restless and short-tempered when the people around them either disregard them or do not treat them right.

Cosmetics and makeup seldom manage to cover up the true emotions running deep within us because we betray our inner feelings unwittingly through our own behaviour. No matter how hard we try to hide our emotions, people who have a deep understanding of human psychology can always get some insight into what is going on deep within us.

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