Habits That Make You Unhappy

by | Jun 9, 2021 | Life

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You are the master of your happiness. Nobody else can make you unhappy unless you help them in their efforts to make you unhappy. If you are unhappy, there must be some reason. Why some? There must be plenty of reasons. If you are really unhappy, that could be because of your own habits that destroy your happiness.

If you are out to please everyone, that is your reason number one. Remember the old adage, if you try to please everyone, you will please none. That is the home truth. So, please stop being a people pleaser if you want to find happiness in your life.

Don’t be afraid of criticism. Do your thing and keep yourself open to comments. There will be some positive comments and there will be some negative comments. Negative comments make up criticism. Consider all comments including negative comments and decide for yourself whether those are valid comments. You are the ultimate judge of the situation. Don’t be overly fearful of criticism and rejection. Constant irrational fear of criticism may lead to Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD).

Stop engaging in negative self-talk. Fill up your mind with positive thoughts instead. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts the moment negative thoughts try to enter your thought process. If somebody presents a glass of water that is half-filled and half-empty, always look at the half-filled side of it.

Don’t destroy your present and future by dwelling too much in your past. Your past is dead and gone. Nobody can do anything about it. So, just forget your past and focus on the present moment. If you take care of your present, the future will take care of itself.

Don’t idle away your time. Spend some time on exercises. Go to the Gym or go out for a stroll or cycling. Do something to move your muscles and bones and tone up your body. If you are docile for a long time, it will have some adverse effects on your body.

Don’t worry about something without any reason. If something is to happen, it will happen and you can deal with it when it happens. It does not make any sense to worry about things that may or may not happen. Many of your worries are unfounded and may not come true. Can you regain the time you spent worrying about things if those very things don’t happen? Most of the time those things don’t happen. Take it from me.

If someone does something wrong, just forgive that person even if you don’t want to forget the incident. By forgiving that person, you throw the impact of the incident out of your mind. Otherwise, it will bother you for a long time to come.

Do your very best and leave it at that. Try to improve upon it when you can. But, don’t try to be a perfectionist. There’s nothing called a last word in anything. So, don’t waste your time trying to be a perfectionist.
Always define yourself through the things you do. Don’t let others define you or prevail over you. When you do that, you hand over charge of your life to others. You allow them to manipulate you. That could open a whole Pandora’s box of unhappiness for you.

Shove your habits that make you unhappy into a trash basket and chart your way to a happy life.

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