How and Why to Develop a Positive Attitude

by | Jul 7, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Life could be so enjoyable if only we learn to be simple in our approach. For some reason, we seem to complicate our lives and mess it up. The sure-shot way to enjoying life to develop a positive approach towards life. Life pays dividends when we do that. Here are some useful guidelines for developing a positive approach towards life.

The words that emerge from your mouth may affect others and yourself in multifarious ways. They may bring warm response or they may hurt someone. So, be careful about what you say and how you say it. Choose the right word that fits the occasion and use the right tone demanded by the situation. Your tone is as important as the words you choose to use.

There’s nothing called a last word in anything. No matter how sure you are about something, please be patient and let the other party have their say. Maybe they have something better to offer with regard to the topic under discussion. Try to keep an open mind on everything. That will help us to learn more and improve ourselves.

I came across a quotation which said: “They shout, who cannot argue.” Here’s a better one I discovered recently: “Don’t argue when you can discuss the matter.” A discussion is always better than an argument. When you argue, you are trying to prove yourself right. But when you discuss you will discover what is right.

Always think positive. Cultivate positivity and make it a habit. Eventually, it will become your second nature. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try to replace it with a positive one. Believe me, there’s always a corresponding positive thought to every negative thought.

Be polite. Always use kind words. There’s no point in hurting anybody’s feelings. You might hurt someone by using harsh words. For you, it might be a casual remark. For the victim, it might take a long time to heal.

Some people are critical about everything. Perhaps, it is part of their nature. Just make sure that you do not criticize someone for the sake of criticizing. Or, to gain an upper hand in a conversation. If at all you must criticize, make sure that your criticism is both objective as well as constructive.

When you meet someone, don’t be in a hurry to have your way or try to dominate them. Always remember that others too have feelings like us. Try to respect their feelings.

Don’t harp on other people’s faults. If there’s a defect in their constitution, it is not their fault. But if it is a question of a mistake, remember that nobody wants to make mistakes. Mistakes just happen when we work and it is okay so long as you learn from them.

Don’t spend all day sitting on a chair or lying down. Our body needs some exercise. Take a walk, go to a gym or include some kind of physical activity in your daily routine. That will make you physically fit and prevent laziness.

Avoid reading material which spread negative content. Similarly, don’t watch any television program that spreads negativity. I don’t read newspapers because they are not what they used to be. There was a time when newspapers were considered to be the Bible; the best grammar book; and the gospel truth.

Today, it is none of these. What is handed out in the news is actually propaganda of the moneyed and muscled class. In fact, what they try to hide in the newspapers is the real news. I don’t watch television for the same reason. That way I keep myself away from negative news as well as negative serials. Not only does that help me to remain positive but also saves a lot of time for doing other things on my list of pending jobs.

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