How Can We Multiply the Success Rate on Earth?

by | Mar 31, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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According to the United Nations estimates shown on World-o-meter, the world population as of March 2022 is 7.9 billion. That’s about 8 billion if we are to round it off to the next digit.

Whether you believe it or not, only 4 billion people out of that 8 billion think of achieving success in life. That’s just 50% of the total population of the world. The balance 50% of people are happy to drift along without much ambition. They are happy to find a job that would help them pay their bills and that’s about it. They get up in the morning; get ready to go to the office or wherever their work place is; slog it out for 5 days a week; spend the weekend coping with the pending work that has piled up at home over the week while they were at work—that includes cleaning up the house, washing the clothes and such other things or go out on a weekend trip with the family; and collect the pay check at the end of the month to pay their bills; and continue this monotonous routine month after month, year after year, and decade after decade till they are done with their life. That is a sad story, to say the least.

Out of the four billion people who think of success, only 800 million are a little serious about it. That’s about 10% of the total population of the world. Some of them start a business but most of them never quite make it. They give up midway and try to find a job for themselves again. Then they get back to their old routine and don’t think of taking any risk ever again. They are like—once bitten twice shy!

And, out of the 800 million that start off with some kind of business, only 250 million achieve success in their life. That’s a little over 2% of the total population. Can you beat it? Just 2% of the total population is leading successful life on earth. What a dismal picture of success rate in the world? What about the rest of the population? What about the 98% people who do not make it in their lifetime? It would seem that they have failed in their life. This is a very serious issue. What can we do about it?

The world needs motivation to strike it out on their own. The world needs encouragement to achieve success. The world needs a helping hand to stall the slide when they face a downslide. The world needs people who will tell those who fail, that failure is part of the game; it may delay success but it cannot stop anyone from achieving success.
If successful people vow to help at least two others to achieve the kind of success they have achieved in life, the world will have at least thrice as many successful people than we have in this world today. If you are successful, help others to create their success stories. That should be the ultimate goal of people who have been blessed with success in their lives. That is the best way to multiply the success rate on earth.

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