How to Deal with Negativity

by | Apr 14, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Some people are given to negativity by nature. They not only manufacture negativity day in and day out but also distribute their negativity generously among the people they come in contact with. At the end of the day, it is not only them but also those on whom they dump their negativity that makes up the tribe of negativity.

Even if you are not a person with a negative mindset, you are bound to run into scores of such people who are given to negativity. These are people who curse their luck; blame others for things that go wrong; and, generally, tend to see more of problems in life than solutions.

One way of dealing with them is to try and avoid them. But that is not always possible. Therefore, it is better to take what they say with a pinch of salt and pepper. Don’t take them too seriously. More importantly, don’t let what they say sink into your mind.

On the flipside, you can seek out people with positive vibes and spend your time in their company. That way you may be able to prevent negativity from making inroads into your life. At the same time, you can yourself become a fountainhead of positivity and keep negativity at bay.

Don’t get bogged down by negativity dumped on you by others. Try to change the way you think and replace every negative thought with a positive one thereby neutralising the situation. Also, don’t look at situations as problems. If you do that, you will never find solutions to your problems. Remember, if you look at situations as situations, there’s more likelihood of finding solutions to the issue at hand.

The entire world is in need of love and compassion. If you look around, you will find many people who are crying for help. Just spend some time with them and try to ease their stress levels, that will bring you a sense of achievement which could be something of a positive outcome for you.

What you do to others comes back to you. That is the essence of the theory of karma. So, if you care for others, they too will care for you. Don’t expect your life to be a bed of roses. Everybody’s life has ups and downs. Accept this in your mind and learn to deal with both in suitable ways.

Don’t live in the past, that will cause depression. Don’t live in the future, that will create anxiety in you. Live in the present and enjoy every moment. That’s the best way to reduce negativity.

If something goes wrong, let go of the situation and move on. That way you can leave your negativity behind and move ahead.

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