How to Recognize Toxic People

by | Jul 4, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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In this piece of writing, I will try to help you recognize the characteristics of toxic people so that you may keep them at arm’s length from the very beginning. Engaging with them might be injurious to your metal as well as physical health and well-being. You must engage with them only if you are strong enough to absorb their negativity and bring them out of their state of deep depression for which they may have only themselves to thank. I promise to write a couple of sequels to this piece on the types of toxic people and how to deal with them.

The most important thing for toxic people is to exercise absolute control over every single person they come in contact with. If toxic people are in some place of authority, they will do everything to centralize authority so that they may live under the illusion of being great and powerful. In other words, they would want to control every little thing.

They are self-centered and selfish by nature. They will never take a ‘No’ from anyone unless such a reply suits their scheme of things.

Like traditional bosses, they tend to believe that they are always right and the other party is always wrong. Even if you produce evidence to the effect that it is them that is actually wrong, they will refuse to admit it and try to ridicule you instead.

They come riding a horse called negativity. By the time they leave, they would have dumped a good deal of their negativity on you. By that time, they would have drained you of all your energy. You would feel as if some vampire has sucked all the blood out of you.

Deception is their second nature. They may appear to be helpful and caring. But don’t get fooled by their mask. They may be working on a secret agenda to push you down the hellhole. They draw immense sadistic pleasure from such indiscretions.

They are born with inflated egos. They love to be praised and glorified. Their likes and dislikes mean everything to them. If you do just one thing that they don’t like, they will try to tear you apart in no time.

They are blatant liars. They lie through their teeth. And, they think nothing of changing their stand as frequently as it suits them. They could say one thing one moment and say just the opposite of that in the very next moment. In other words, they may pull the rug from under your feet without even giving you the slightest opportunity to realize or counter their cunning moves.

They love to live under the delusion that they are the greatest people around. In fact, some of them even believe that this is the whole truth. Now, this one takes the cake. They are fully capable of fooling everyone including themself on this account.

If their behavior fits into any of these slots, you know who you are dealing with. Decide consciously as to how you want to deal with them before you engage with them.

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