Keys to a Healthy Life

by | Feb 27, 2023 | Health, Life

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There are things we can do to improve our physical and mental heath and there are things that we can do nothing about. So, let us focus on the things that we can do to improve ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually for all-round improvement of our lives.

First things first, stop worrying. Worrying stems from the baggage of our past or anxiety regarding our future. Worrying can neither change our past. Nor can it improve our future. On the contrary, it ruins our present. Just focus on the present and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Begin your day with a prayer. That will help you to open each day with a positive outlook and hope. Unless you are an atheist, it will also strengthen your faith on God a little further.

Control your food intake. Stop binging. Your body has a certain appetite. Feed yourself accordingly. Overeating harms the body as your organs have to work overtime to process the extra food and it might also result in indigestion. Sometimes, it also causes discomfort.

Understand and accept your limitations. Plan your life accordingly. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Otherwise, it will cause problems.

No doubt—jealousy is a very human thing. But try to avoid envy at all costs because envy triggers a whole serious of chain reactions in an attempt to match up to the person or thing you envy. It could result in waste of time, energy and money.

Have faith in people till they prove themselves to be unworthy of trust. If you approach everyone with a sense of suspicion, it could sour your relations with them unnecessarily.

Identify a hobby that is of interest to you. It will keep you occupied and help you to hone your interests and skills. Otherwise, you would be hard put to decide what to do in your free time. Mind you—idle mind is a devil’s workshop.

Develop a reading habit. Books and other reading material help you to keep yourself updated with developments. It also increases your knowledge. Reading is also a healthy way of spending your time.

Learn to spend time all by yourself. Take out some time once in a while for introspection. Solitude is good for introspection. Being alone is not the same as being lonely. You are alone by choice. But loneliness is lack of societal interaction. Silent introspection brings peace of mind.

Contentment is the soul of happiness. If you are content with what you have, you will be happier than people who are mad after what they do not have.

If you follow these tips, you will trigger a new wave of happiness in your life that is bound to lead you to a healthier life.

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