Keys to Success

by | Jul 29, 2021 | Life, Philosophy

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We know ourselves better than anyone else. Yet, we get flustered by what people think of us. We give their opinion a premium over our own well considered opinion about ourselves. If you are one of those who is doing this, stop this very moment. Don’t be bogged down by others’ opinions. They do not fund our lives. They do not run the show. We do. So, our opinions should enjoy a premium over the opinions of others.

Our past is dead and gone. It cannot be retrieved or revised by anyone. So, there is no point in mulling over past mistakes and regretting our past moves. If we are trying to bring our lives back on track, the past has no role to play in it. Take control of the situation and plan your strategy for success and keep at it till you get there. You are here because of what you did in the past. So, the key to your future lies in the present moment. Your future depends on what you do starting with this very moment.

Forget about the past and set your goal for the future. Think about it day in and day out. The clearer your goal, the clearer your path. If you have a clear idea about where you want to go, you have better chances of landing on the right decision. Once you have made your decision, pursue it with the determination of a bulldog.

If you missed out something in the past for whatever reason, that’s okay. Life always gives you a second chance. That second chance is called ‘tomorrow.’ So, you can make up for what you lost yesterday by doing it today because today is the tomorrow that you missed yesterday!

We have no clue when or how we will die. But we can decide how we want to live while we are alive. That is what we need to work towards.

We all want to be successful in life. But we hesitate to move forward when our decisions take a turn for the worse…when our mistakes turn out to be wrong. Our mistakes often mar our progress in life. In everything that we do, there are possibilities of making mistakes. We are not to be deterred by that. On the contrary, we must learn from our mistakes and move on. That’s what experience is all about.

If you try to sidestep problems or run away from them, you will never make it to your destination. Success is all about problem solving. Life is all about problem solving. You have to take problems head on and deal with them. That is the only way to handle problems.

Every decision is time-bound. So, there is no scope for indecision in our lives. You either decide this way or that way. There is no space for excuses. That’s it. If you do not decide within the deadline, time makes the decision for you on its own. And, you cannot do anything about it. Things move forward because of decisions—not excuses.

Our life is a mix of good times and bad times. Similarly, our life is a mix of good things and bad things that happen to us. For some strange reason, we seem to gloss over the good things that happen to us and dwell on bad things that happen to us. It is brooding over bad experiences that causes depression.

Value big things in life. But never discount the small things in life. The small things that bring happiness to us could add up to something real big. That is the real key to success and happiness.

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