Live Life King Size

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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If you are someone who feels that you are not leading a happy life, you may like to consider some changes to help you lead a happier life.

Words can make you happy; words can make you sad; words can kick up a row; words can settle a dispute; words can motivate you; words can demotivate you—always remember that words are more powerful than you can ever imagine. So, make sure you weigh your words and use words that are most suitable for occasions and situations. In other words, please ensure that you use your words wisely.

You are bound to come in contact with all kinds of people in various capacities. Be nice to all of them but give them the freedom and liberty to strike the kind of relationship they want to have with you. Don’t cling to someone or try to hold on to someone who does not care for you. Leave the decision to them and rest assured, that you will attract the right ones and the right ones will come to stay forever.

If you are a conscientious person, rest assured that you are doing enough even if you think you are not because it is not in your blood to shirk. Don’t get worked up on this account because these are little things that add up and trigger unwanted stress.

It does not matter if you fail in your attempts to do things. You will always get another chance to win if you move on. If there is one thing that is worse than having failed, it is…not to have tried at all.

When you go out of your way to help out a total stranger, it speaks volumes about your empathy. You are a kind soul. Being kind makes you feel better just as it makes the person you help feel better.

Live in the present moment. Don’t put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today because tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Don’t waste your time looking back in life. It is like putting your car in the reverse gear. It will only take you back to your past. And, that might cause of a lot of worries.

Don’t get into the over thinking mode. It kills happiness. Keep yourself busy and focus on the things you are doing. That should help prevent over thinking.

Whatever else you do, learn to live life king size. After all, it is your life!

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