No Time to Lose

by | Apr 4, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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If you want to do something, don’t just sit around waiting for something to happen. Don’t be a lazy bum. Don’t wait for someone to give you a kick in the…(you know what I mean)! That is not the best way to kickstart a project. Take the initiative and motivate yourself to take the first step…start!

Once you have decided to start, don’t wait any further. Kickstart your project right away. There’s no time like NOW!

If you are serious about what you want to do, don’t waste your time looking for a suitable place to start your business. Many multi-millionaires who went on to enter the billionaires’ club, started their business in their garrage and then took their business to dizzy heights from there. Place is of no consequence for someone who wants to start one’s own business. Start where you are.

If you are someone who believes that you should have a huge amount in the kitty before you start your business, forget it. That may never happen. Start with what you have.

If you happen to be in two minds—if you are unsure of yourself; if you are not sure as to whether you will make it or not–don’tworry—justtake the plunge. You may have your share of insecurities. That’s fine. But that should not prevent you from getting started.

You don’t have to know each and everything at the very outset. If you have a general idea of what you want to do and have a roadmap for achieving your goals, that is enough for a start. You will learn other things as you move. Things will start falling in their right places as you proceed.

Don’t get bogged down by mistakes. If you are trying out something new, the odds are that you will make some mistakes along the way. The trick is to press on with your project correcting your mistakes on the way. Even the most successful business tycoons have made plenty of mistakes. But mistakes did not stop them from going ahead with their projects. That’s why they are where they are.

If you think you need a fortune to start a business, think again. You can start something in a small way and plan your growth thereafter.

The most important thing is to start now—start right away.

Don’t get lost in the maze of when, what, where, why, who or how..Just start. There’s no time to lose!

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