Please Don’t Waste Your Energy

by | Oct 25, 2021 | Life, Philosophy

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Everything that you do consumes energy. Everything that you do drains you of your energy. So, it is in the fitness of things that you spend your energy on things that bring some positive outcome.

We all know that worrying saps us of our energy. But we hardly ever stop to think over this or try to put an end to this. We spend more than half of our life living in the past and cribbing over things that went wrong. And, when we are finished with that, we hop on to our future. Weget anxious about our future and what future holds for us. We all know that this is a futile exercise but we never stop doing this.

If we stop worrying about past events and steer clear of anxiety emanating from our concern for our future, we may start living in the present moment. That will not only reduce wastage of time but also help us to lead a more realistic and happier life.

Most of us are reluctant to take on new responsibilities for want of confidence. This retards our growth. If we apply our energy to improve our confidence levels and start believing in ourselves and our capabilities, we could open the floodgates to progress in our life.

Out of all the living beings on earth, human beings are the only ones that are blessed with creative powers. There must be some reason as to why we are made to the likeness of God. That’s why we are the most significant living beings. So, it is incumbent upon on us to use our creative consciousness and energy to create things that would help in the overall improvement and betterment of the world that we live in.

Human beings have been endowed with great healing powers. Faith healing is a living example of this besides medical treatment. No other living being is blessed with this privilege. Other living beings rely on their instincts to deal with their ailments while human beings turn to the medical science for cure.

At times, we may be able to help others just by standing by them in times of trials and tribulations. That could prevent them from going into depression. There can be no greater gift you can offer to the human kind than this.

What we need to do is to channelize our energy in the right direction. The energy we spend on spreading negativity becomes negative energy. And, the energy we spend to spread positivity becomes positive energy. So, what we need to do is to focus our energy in doing things that result in the betterment of the world.

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