Pushing Your Way to Success

by | Oct 7, 2021 | Life

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Success evades many of us because we are not prepared to do what it takes to achieve success. It would not be wrong to say that it is reluctance on our part and our own mental blocks that prevent us from achieving success in life. Here is as 10-step formula to demolish everything that stands in our path to success and make sure that we succeed in our life.

Most of us love our comfort zone and are scared of stepping out of it. We simply refuse to take the initiative and look for opportunities that might help us to grow in our life. Then, there are those who may consider taking some risks but do not believe in their capabilities. They are under the impression that they cannot do what they need to do.

Many of us mar our own progress because we are not clear in our mind as to whether we want to do something or not. We are bogged down by the confusions in our mind. And, there are those who want to do something but don’t trust their own capabilities. They are the types that say: I wish I could do this. Some think that they might be able to do it but are not sure of that. Some feel that they might be able to do it, if they try.

The real hope begins with people who think they can do it. That is the first step in the right direction. Then they convert what they think into a belief that they can do it. Then, they make a conscious decision to do it. Once they decide to do it and invest their hundred percent efforts towards achieving their goals, they end up doing what it takes to achieve success. They are the ones that succeed in life.

So, we start with an ‘I won’t’ attitude and move on to ‘I can’t’ attitude. The third stage is: ‘I don’t know’ attitude. Then we reach the ‘we wish we could do it’ attitude. Then, ‘we think we might do it.’ Then,we decide that we might do it.

The real change begins with ‘I think I can do it’ attitude. Once we think we can do it, we decide we can do it. Then we attempt to do it. And, finally, we end up doing what we wanted to do.

The moral of the tale is that it is all a matter of our attitude and approach towards life situations that lead us to, or, mars our success. So, we approach our thought process, belief system, decision-making, and execution process with the right kind of attitude, the chances of success get multiplied.

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