Putting the 80/20 Rule to Practice

by | Nov 4, 2021 | Life

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Every moment in our life is a moment of decision. So, devising a template for routine decision may save a lot of time and energy. On an average, only 80% of our tasks get done in life. The other 20% gets left out because of paucity of time. The trick is to list all the tasks on a piece of paper. Now that we have a list of all the tasks to be done, let us explore the possibilities of applying the 80/20 rule to make decisions in such a way that the most important tasks find a place in the first 80% tasks listed for execution:

Prioritise your Tasks

In life, we tend to do things as they come. We seem to be obsessed with the convenient process of first-come, first served. As a result, we end up doing many things that are less important and find it difficult to find time to do things that are more important as they are not properly lined up according to priority. If we prioritise our tasks, the most important tasks will get done first and if, for some reason, we are unable to complete all our tasks, that tasks of lesser importance will get left out in case of paucity of time.

Decide for Yourself

When you sit down to make the list, ask yourself before deciding on each of the item: should this find a place in the first 80% tasks? Once your list is complete, prioritise them in order of importance so that even out of those 80% tasks, the most important ones get done first.

Eliminate Unnecessary Tasks

Once you are done with the list for the first 80% tasks to be done, do a quick run on the balance 20% tasks that are left out of the list. Ask yourself before deciding on each of them: Is this necessary at all? If not, strike them off from the list. Then add the tasks that need to be done at the bottom after the list of 80% tasks to be done on priority basis.

Delegate the Tasks

If you are in a management position, you are not meant to do everything yourself. Try to delegate tasks of lesser importance to employees who are junior to you. That way more tasks will get done faster.
Instead of Adding Tasks, Try Substituting them

If some unexpected tasks arrive on your desk, please try not to add them on to the list that you have prepared. Instead, try to substitute them in place of some low-value activity to fit into the time frame and prioritise the same according to importance and urgency.

Put Off for Another Day

If you have more than 80% tasks that are really important, make a list of those tasks which are important but can be done at a later date. Things that do not have immediate or urgent deadlines for execution. These may be fitted into the schedule for the next few days according to their importance. You can accommodate them on days when you are not really swamped.

This works for tasks at the office as well as home. In the beginning, there might be some teething trouble. But, as the system sets in, you will suddenly find that many items that get edged out due to paucity of time were actually avoidable.

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