Seven Steps to Happiness

by | Dec 6, 2021 | Life, Philosophy

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If you decide to be happy, nobody can stop you from being happy. You are the sole arbiter of your happiness. Nobody else can make you happy. The seed of happiness in embedded in you. All you have to do is to nurture that seed of happiness and you will unlock the secret to eternal happiness.

We seem to think a lot more than we ought to. As a result, our head gets crammed with all kinds of thoughts. That could clog our thought process and throw us into a sea of confusion. Make it a point to think less—think only when you must—and try to focus on feeling more. When you think more, you are left with little time to feel.

Don’t keep frowning. It is a bad habit that is best avoided. If you frown frequently, worry lines will furrow your forehead sooner than later. Instead of frowning, try to lift your drooping lip-line on both sides and paste a smile on your face forever. That will not only help you to look happy but also make others happy because smile is contagious.

Most of us are talkative. We start talking at the drop of a hat and keep yammering till everyone gets bored. We do not even stop to think as to whether others have something to say. We must put a stop to this and start listening to others. When we talk, we repeat what we already know but if we listen to others, we may learn something new.
We are judgmental by nature. We form our opinions in no time. We jump to conclusions without sufficient thought. That could prevent meeting of minds. We must learn to reserve our judgment till we are sufficiently informed. That way we would get an opportunity to understand the other person. That way we will learn to accept other view points and persons more.

Don’t sit around looking here and there. That will only make you docile. Instead, look around for things that need to be done and get down to completing those tasks one-by-one. That will put you on the action mode and do a lot of good to you and others.

We seem to have this bad habit of complaining about everything. Complaining does not solve any problem. It does not make the situation any better. In fact, it complicates the problem. It would be better if we apply our mind and energy towards solving problems rather than complaining. Instead of complaining, learn to appreciate the goodness and good work of others. That way you will make more friends and lead a better life.

Throw your fears to the wind and enjoy life. Most of our fears are unfounded anyway. Instead of wasting your time on fears, focus on love. Spend more time on spreading the message of love. That will help build a better world to live in.

The idea for this write-up came from Doe Zantamata. I only picked up the idea, expanded it, and interpreted it for you. Hope you enjoyed this?!

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