Sincerity is the Hallmark of our Life

by | Feb 10, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Sincerity if everything. If you are not sincere, you are nothing. Life will throw so many occasions at you where it will test you for your sincerity. We may adopt a behaviour that makes us appear to be sincere in our society but the real test of sincerity is: Are you sincere with yourself? If not, your sincerity is of no avail.

The sincerity of a husband can be tested when his wife is unwell or when she needs him the most. If he is not around to help and support her, nothing else can prove his sincerity.

Life is full of ups and downs. The sincerity of a wife can be tested when her husband goes through a financial crisis. Whether the wife sticks around and helps him tide over the crisis or does just curses and cribs about the situation, reveals her sincerity towards the relationship.

Parents sacrifice just about anything to provide the best life they can to their children. The sincerity of the children comes into question when it is payback time. Do they take good care of their parents?

The sincerity of siblings can be gauged through the life. Do they believe in equality? Do they share everything equally or do they scheme against one another to corner most of whatever comes their way, for themselves?

Friendship is known to be the ship that helps you tide over difficulties through the thick and thin of our lives. If a friend is not there for your when you need your friend the most, that friend is not worthy of your friendship.
It does not matter whether your relative stays nearby or far away. The question is: can you bank on them to rush to you when you are ill or when you feel lonely? Can you trust your relative to stand by you when the whole world abandons you? Obviously, relationships run thickest among blood relations. Do you think your relatives come good on that?

When someone does something without any greed of a return favour, that’s true love. It does not matter whether that person is known to you or not. It does not matter whether that person is as friend or a relative or neither. The good deed establishes the sincerity of the person and proves the person’s true love for humanity. There can be no better example of sincerity.

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