Steps to a More Fulfilling Life

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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The entire universe works on vibration. Get into the vibration mode and tune in with the vibration of the universe and things will move smoothly for you.

If gossip is your prime occupation, quit gossiping this very moment. Quit immediately. Gossip does no go good to you or to others. If you are given to badmouthing, you will be caught one day and you may not be able face anyone you have been badmouthing about.

Take things in their right perspective. Act with a cool mind. Never create a scene. Creating a scene does you no good. At best, it will earn you a reputation for throwing tantrums. That’s not something you should work towards in your life.

Don’t compare yourself with anybody else. No two persons are made alike and no two persons are born with the same destiny—not even twins. Your individuality comes from your uniqueness. Your personality is yours alone. So is your journey. Comparison gets you nowhere except for causing heartburn.

Devote some time to develop your confidence. It is very important to have faith in yourself. If you have complete faith in you, you will be able to deal with all kinds of fears and overcome them.

If you feel something is not right, don’t do it. Your conscience works as an alarm bell. Listen to your conscience and avoid doing things that do not go with your conscience. Otherwise, you will end up with a guilty conscience.

In the scheme of things, set aside some time for yourself. You need to talk to yourself from time to time and take stock of the situation. It is called ‘alone time.’ Don’t confuse this with loneliness. You feel lonely when you are neglected by the society at large. Aloneness is not the same as loneliness. Aloneness is self-imposed with the idea of self-improvement.

While pondering, be nice to yourself just as you would be nice to others when you speak to them. Don’t let negative thoughts stream in from all directions. Self-deprecation could result in depression.

Keep people who spread negativity at bay. They may drain you of your energy by dumping their negativity on you.
Learn to ignore any opinion that runs counter to your self-improvement. It might be motivated commentary aimed at causing damage to you or your personality.

If you follow these simple rules of life, you are sure to have more fulfilling life.

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