Stop Blaming Others

by | May 1, 2023 | General, Life, Motivational

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One of the main reasons why we blame others is that we expect a lot of things from others and when they do not come up to our expectations, we start blaming them. While this might be logical at one level, we must appreciate the fact that not everyone is made the same way. And, it takes all kinds of people to make this world. So, the best way to deal with this is to stop blaming others and start understanding them.

The world is made up of the good, the bad, the ugly and few other shades of these. If you watch your interactions with them closely enough, you will find that everyone has something to offer you although you may not be satisfied with what they have to offer.

If you meet a good person, that person is going to be nice to you. That person will not say or do anything that might hurt you. After your meeting with such a person, you would be in high spirits. You will not feel drained by negative thoughts when you close your conversation with such a person.

On the other hand, if you meet a bad person, that person is going to say negative things and do things that might hurt you. In other words, he may end up being a pain in the neck and leave you in a state of disgust or regret when that person leaves. Because, they dump truckloads of their negativity on you. The point to remember is that even such people give you experience which contributes to your wisdom in the time to come. They teach you what kind of people you should be wary of associating with.

The worst people are going to manipulate and traumatize you through their insensible and insensitive actions or scheming. In other words, they may literally suck the blood out of you by trying to manipulate you. But they teach you a big and important lesson in life. They teach you what to avoid in life.

The best people in life do beautiful little things that help you to rise your life. They are your well-wishers. They pull you out of difficult situations and are always there for you when you need them. They are the people who make a lasting impression on your fond memories. They are the people to cling to and hang around with.

So, never blame anyone in your life. Instead, learn what you can from them. Life is, after all, a learning experience.

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