Success is Never a Cakewalk

by | May 12, 2022 | Life, Philosophy, Success

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Those who are enamoured by the grand success of their peers need to know that success does not drop from the blue. You have to toil day in and day out. You have to improve yourself by outperforming yourself from how you performed the previous day. You must learn to accept your mistakes and learn from them. You have to display a big heart. You must learn to appreciate and accept good suggestions even from your juniors.

Nobody becomes a boss in a single day. It takes time to develop skills, assume responsibility and get to the top rung of the ladder.

Someone joins as a clerk or an assistant. With experience, the same person becomes a junior executive. Then, a senior executive. Then the person becomes the general manager or chief executive officer of the organization. Remember that there are no shortcuts to success. But you can find the path to steady success by adhering to the time-honoured methods and processes. Your dedication and commitment matter at every stage of your journey.
If you frog leap to success, the odds are that you may find it difficult to find your bearings when you encounter a fall. Value the small steps that take you higher and higher and help you to scale great heights. You will be more surefooted if you follow the logical sequence.

Remember, the owner of your organisation may have been an employee before he or she got there. Your teacher was a student before becoming a teacher. The top leader of your country might have been a sidekick of some local leader. The priest was a novice and then a deacon before becoming a priest. Superstars were non-entities before they shot to fame. The judge was a lawyer before becoming a judge.

It’s okay if you don’t begin with a high position in your career. It’s alright to begin wherever you find an opening and find your way up the ladder. So long as you work hard; so long as you keep learning and applying your knowledge to your job; so long as you persevere with your efforts, you are sure to make it in your life. The only thing is: don’t give up midway. Keep going. Most people get frustrated and quit when success is at the doorstep.
Remember, there’s no shortcut to success. Success is never a cakewalk. But if you stick to your guns long after where others would have given up, you are sure to taste success in due course of time. Endurance is the key to success.

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