Superiority Complex is a Form of Inferiority Complex

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Superiority complex is a misnomer.If you ask me, there is nothing called superiority complex. A normal person would never be a victim of complexes because he would always consider himself equal to others.

When we talk of complexes, we talk of two types of complexes—superioritycomplex and inferiority complex.The truth of the matter is that there is only one kind of complex. And, that is, inferiority complex.

The superiority complex we talk of is actually a product of inferiority complex often accompanied by arrogance. Just think of a person who tries to flaunt his superiority complex. If you delve deeply into this person’s psyche, you can see through his personality. You can get an x-ray image of his behavior. You will realise that he is trying to mask something. You will find that he is trying to hide something desperately. And, that something is actually his inferiority complex. You will find that he is trying to mask his inferiority complex by what he thinks is superiority complex.

When somebody lacks confidence in the company of others, he tries to boost his confidence levels to match what he perceives to be their level of confidence by using his mistaken concept of superiority complex. It is his way of dealing with the situation. It is his shortcut to hoodwink people who are perceived by him as being superior to him in some way.

We are born equal and that is the way we are meant to be. There is no room for superiority or inferiority complex. Complexes are born out of self-doubt.

Money, power and such other things may put some people in an advantageous position. But that does not make them superior. Equality is the keystone of humanity.

If you are concerned at somebody’s superiority complex, take him head on and you will find that his superiority complex crumbles like a pack of cards. His air of superiority will vanish into thin air like a balloon pricked by the tip of a pin!

Sincethe person demonstrating superiority complex coaxes himself into believing that he is on a higher pedestalby flaunting superiority complex, he will be floored the moment he discovers thatploy is not working. But if that somebody happens to be your boss, you may have to be a little tactical in dealing with him or her. In the ultimate tally of things, we will realise that superiority complex is nothing but another form of inferiority complex.

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