Five Things to Avoid

Five Things to Avoid

If we are making slow progress, it may be because we may be stumbling over roadblocks that we have built for ourselves. Or, the boat that we are rowing may still be tied to the shore. We can put ourselves on the fast track to progress by avoiding or overcoming those...
Watch Your Temper

Watch Your Temper

If you cannot control your temper, it means that you are not in control of yourself. And, if you cannot control yourself you will have no control over the situation. In fact, if you cannot control your temper, you cannot control anything. Most of us seem to be...
When Angry, Count a Hundred!

When Angry, Count a Hundred!

Old adages are a treasury of traditional wisdom. They are not adages for nothing. They are adages because they have stood the test of time. People who are quick to anger repent at leisure. Anger is certainly not a positive trait. In fact, anger gets us into sticky...