How to Deal with Negativity

How to Deal with Negativity

Some people are given to negativity by nature. They not only manufacture negativity day in and day out but also distribute their negativity generously among the people they come in contact with. At the end of the day, it is not only them but also those on whom they...
Reach Out to the Depressed

Reach Out to the Depressed

On a world level, 300 million people of all age groups are believed to be afflicted by some kind of depression. In other words, one in every six persons in the world is believed to be suffering from some kind of mental or substance use disorder. These disorders...
Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety

Concern for our future is natural. But overthinking about our future could cause anxiety. Anxiety creates a feeling of insecurity. The more we learn to live in the present moment, the less we would be affected by anxiety. The problem with anxiety is that it does not...