That’s the Way, I Like it

That’s the Way, I Like it

When someone goes out of one’s way to help you, be ready with a big thank you. And, say that with a smile on your face. And, say that in a way that makes one feel that you are really grateful for what the person did for you. If you don’t do that, you are an ingrate....
The Playground of the Universe

The Playground of the Universe

Once an argument broke out amongst the elements to decide as to who is the most powerful element of all. The entire universe is made up of five elements. The human body, which is the most evolved species on earth, is the best representation of this fact. The space or...
The Sacred Colours

The Sacred Colours

We have great reverence for holy men from all the religions of the world. Prophets, saints, and seers belong to a breed of spiritual and philanthropic holy men. Devotion to God, surviving on frugal meals, attired in simplest of clothes, and engaging in philanthropic...