Time to Detox

Time to Detox

We are born with a free built-in pathological lab inside our body. The diagnostics in our body monitors our body functions constantly and consistently and sends out warning signals whenever it detects something wrong in our body. These warning signs appear in the form...
Do Not Complicate Your Life

Do Not Complicate Your Life

Life is quite simple, if you keep it that way. But most of us have this tendency to complicate situations that could be dealt with ease. That is what complicates our lives. If you are missing someone, do not keep thinking of them and worrying about them. They are just...
Guide to Symptomatic Behaviour

Guide to Symptomatic Behaviour

No matter how depressed we are, we try to put forth a bold face. We always try to put our best foot forward. After all, we are not keen to fall victim to the prying eyes of the people that are always on the lookout for what makes up juicy stuff for gossip. Plus, we...
There is Little Truth in Our Beliefs

There is Little Truth in Our Beliefs

There is a solution to every problem and there is a problem to every solution. If it weren’t for that, the whole world may not have been going around in circles. Nobody seems to be happy with what they have or what they are. That’s because we do not seem to value what...
Get Your Priorities Right

Get Your Priorities Right

Whatever else you do, make it a point to get your priorities right. If you fail to do that, you may realise towards the end of your life, some of the bitter truths of life. Those bitter truths may haunt you for the rest of your life like a ghost from the past. The...
Poverty and Prosperity

Poverty and Prosperity

Human beings were created equal. We are all made the same way. And, we are made of the same stuff. All of us are endowed with the very same physical features and body parts. We have a body, a head, a neck, two upper limbs called hands, and two lower limbs called legs....
Could Monsoon Be a Second Spring?

Could Monsoon Be a Second Spring?

Perhaps there is no season that is more pleasant than spring. Nature seems to have reserved the spring season to put its best foot forward. The days are not so warm and the nights are not so cold and the fragrance of flowers wafts through the air. When spring is in...
When Angry, Count a Hundred!

When Angry, Count a Hundred!

Old adages are a treasury of traditional wisdom. They are not adages for nothing. They are adages because they have stood the test of time. People who are quick to anger repent at leisure. Anger is certainly not a positive trait. In fact, anger gets us into sticky...
Cold Water Bath Vs Hot Water Bath

Cold Water Bath Vs Hot Water Bath

What is best for you—a cold water bath or a hot water bath? A cold water bath? Is it time to discard the geyser in your bathroom and save some money on electricity bills in the process? Heck-NO! That’s not what I am trying to say. Because, cold water bath and hot...
Do Not Waste Your Time

Do Not Waste Your Time

Never waste your time because time is money. Do whatever you want to do. But don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration to do something. Inspiration may not come to people who spend their time waiting for it. It comes to people on its own. Don’t waste your time...
How to Retain What You Learn

How to Retain What You Learn

Most of us learn only ten percent of what we read. Don’t you think that is a little bit of a poor performance? Shouldn’t that be a matter of concern for us? Wouldn’t you like to know how we can retain more of what we want to learn? We can learn a great deal from...
Habits That Make You Unhappy

Habits That Make You Unhappy

You are the master of your happiness. Nobody else can make you unhappy unless you help them in their efforts to make you unhappy. If you are unhappy, there must be some reason. Why some? There must be plenty of reasons. If you are really unhappy, that could be because...
Golden Rules for a Meaningful Life

Golden Rules for a Meaningful Life

If you want to make the most of your life, you should consider adopting these golden rules of life. These golden rules are the products of careful observations of humankind that have resulted in age-old wisdom. When you are alone, your thoughts tend to travel in all...