Learning to Simplify Your Life

Learning to Simplify Your Life

It is our preoccupation with things that are best left alone that complicates our lives. If only we learn some plain truths of life early in our lives, our life would be much simpler and more enjoyable. I don’t know why—but most of us tend to live in the past. Some of...
Steps to a More Fulfilling Life

Steps to a More Fulfilling Life

The entire universe works on vibration. Get into the vibration mode and tune in with the vibration of the universe and things will move smoothly for you. If gossip is your prime occupation, quit gossiping this very moment. Quit immediately. Gossip does no go good to...
Unsolved Problems Add to Our Stress Levels

Unsolved Problems Add to Our Stress Levels

Problems are a dime a dozen. But the problem with problems is that most of us sit around and wait for them to get resolved all by themselves rather than working on them to find solutions. We hardly do anything to solve them. We just hope that things will get sorted...
A Dozen Ways to Build a Happier Life

A Dozen Ways to Build a Happier Life

When we learn to do the right thing at the right time, it boosts our confidence. When we learn to make the right decisions, it boosts our confidence. It is our confidence that leads to success. If we are indecisive, it means that we are not confident. In other words,...
Gospel Truths of Life

Gospel Truths of Life

It takes years of experience to learn the truths of life. Many of us learn these truths the hard way. But we tend to learn this one way or the other as we journey through our life. It is only a question of time. It is only a question of when enlightenment dawns on our...
Most of Our Problems are Created by Us

Most of Our Problems are Created by Us

This might sound rather ridiculous to you. But the fact of the matter is that this is the gospel truth. It is our negative bent of mind that gets us into problems. Most of our problems have their origin in situations. But we tend to look at situations as problems. If...
Be Original—Be Yourself

Be Original—Be Yourself

You are not a mass-produced, factory-made item. You are a unique piece of creation. You are an original specimen of human being different from all other living beings. Not only that, you are also different from all other human beings. You are unique. Don’t give up...
You Can Do All

You Can Do All

You can do everything so long as you believe in yourself…so long as you believe that you can do it. Those who depend on others to move ahead in life seldom go far. Remember: the dense forests you see might have made a humble beginning with just one tree. All it takes...
Be Considerate Towards Others

Be Considerate Towards Others

If you have three meals a day; if you have enough clothes to change; if you have shelter over your head, you are more fortunate than many of our brethren. If you have a clean bed to sleep on; if you have a refrigerator at home; if you have a television set at home,...
Success is Never a Cakewalk

Success is Never a Cakewalk

Those who are enamoured by the grand success of their peers need to know that success does not drop from the blue. You have to toil day in and day out. You have to improve yourself by outperforming yourself from how you performed the previous day. You must learn to...
Find The Right Place

Find The Right Place

No matter where you stand on the academic front. No matter how highly you are qualified, you may still be bandied about and humiliated because the people you choose to work with or are forced to work with due to a quirk of fate, may not value your education or...
That’s the Way, I Like it

That’s the Way, I Like it

When someone goes out of one’s way to help you, be ready with a big thank you. And, say that with a smile on your face. And, say that in a way that makes one feel that you are really grateful for what the person did for you. If you don’t do that, you are an ingrate....
Time to Learn Delaying Tactics

Time to Learn Delaying Tactics

Sometimes we don’t want to accept or reject a proposal because we have too many things on our hands. Someone is sitting in front of you trying to push their proposal. But you are not in a mood to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ without giving due consideration to the pros and cons...