Live Life King Size

Live Life King Size

If you are someone who feels that you are not leading a happy life, you may like to consider some changes to help you lead a happier life. Words can make you happy; words can make you sad; words can kick up a row; words can settle a dispute; words can motivate you;...
Things That Money Can’t Buy

Things That Money Can’t Buy

If you thought money can buy anything and everything, think again. Because, there are many things that money can’t buy. Take a good look at these, if you don’t believe me: You can buy a house but not a home because a house is a mere structure. It takes a happy family...
Avoid Negative Self-Talk

Avoid Negative Self-Talk

When there are so many others to spread negativity everywhere, why do you have to add to the negativity by indulging in negative self-talk. It does not augur well to harbour negative thoughts in our mind. Because, thoughts grow on us. Negative thoughts lead to...
Sincerity is the Hallmark of our Life

Sincerity is the Hallmark of our Life

Sincerity if everything. If you are not sincere, you are nothing. Life will throw so many occasions at you where it will test you for your sincerity. We may adopt a behaviour that makes us appear to be sincere in our society but the real test of sincerity is: Are you...
Don’t Settle for Less

Don’t Settle for Less

Don’t ever settle for less—you are worth more than you imagine. It is just a question of stepping out of your comfort zone. Comfort zone stems growth and perpetuates stagnation. Never settle for an average job. It is okay at the entry level. But once you get started,...
Hobbies Lead to Fulfilling Life

Hobbies Lead to Fulfilling Life

Hobbies add sugar and spice to our life and help us to tide over difficulties where others tend to sink or drown. Though most of us tend to ignore or neglect the need for hobbies in our life, hobbies continue to play an important role in keeping our sanity and...
The 7-Day Rule for Sensible Spending

The 7-Day Rule for Sensible Spending

No matter how little we earn, if we are unable to save, it is our own fault. No use blaming others for it. Don’t be in a hurry to buy anything. Impulsive buys are never worth the money you spend on them. If only we could delay our decision to buy things for some; if...
Secrets of the Money Game

Secrets of the Money Game

Most of us are simple—sometimes to the extent of being simpletons. Many of us are found wanting in self-esteem. We readily do things for others for free. One of the reasons why some people are impoverished is that they do not understand their value. They neglect or...
Don’t Work Hard—Work Smart

Don’t Work Hard—Work Smart

Hard work was considered to be the key to success in the olden days. But—no more! If the modern management gurus and pundits are to be believed, working smart is more productive than working hard. So, how does it work? In the olden days, we used to go to our office...
The Roadmap for Early Retirement

The Roadmap for Early Retirement

Who wants to slog through life if they can retire early and lead a comfortable life? Is that possible at all? Yes, indeed! Here’s how: Everyone must plan for their retirement the day they find their first job or as early as possible in life. The sooner you begin, the...
What They Don’t Teach You at School

What They Don’t Teach You at School

The reason why so many of us are unsuccessful in life is because the education systems in most parts of the world is tuned to gaining knowledge. They are not geared to impart life skills to the students. This is one of prime reasons why we find many cream students...
What are Top Billionaires Up To?

What are Top Billionaires Up To?

It is always a matter of curiosity for the people around the world as to what Billionaires do. What is it that makes them billionaires and how do they stick to that position? This write-up seeks to provide a peep-hole into the daily routines of three billionaires who...
Logical Guide to Investment

Logical Guide to Investment

Investment is always dicey. Investment in stocks could be wrought with dangers of all kinds. So, we need to be extra careful while making investment decisions. The cardinal principle of investment is: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. All the eggs may break in...