The Process of Transformation

The Process of Transformation

Not everything happens all by itself. Not everything gets done in a jiffy. In life, things don’t happen that way. There is a process and a timeframeto most of the things that happen in this world. Sometimes, we have to wait with patience and sometimes we have to pay a...
Keep Tabs on Yourself at All Times

Keep Tabs on Yourself at All Times

If happiness is your number one goal in life, follow these guidelines like a bee headed for its beehive: When you are alone, keep a check on your thoughts. As the old adage goes, an idle mind is devil’s workshop. There’s every chance that your mind might go astray and...
Hues and Forms of Intelligence

Hues and Forms of Intelligence

For those who thought of intelligence as just something that is associated with knowledge and wisdom, there’s more in store for you. Because, there’s not one but at least nine types of intelligence! Visual intelligence is also known as spatial intelligence. People...
When Dreams Come True

When Dreams Come True

As far as dreams are concerned, there is an old saying which goes something like this: ‘There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.’ No doubt, you must dream big because dreams cost nothing. Besides, if you dream big and if even half of that comes true, you would...
Getting Rid of Misconceptions

Getting Rid of Misconceptions

The human mind is crammed with misconceptions. That’s because we are gullible. We believe what we hear. And, that belief gets embedded in our mind. We begin to believe that what we heard is the home truth. A little thought and effort can help us shed these...
How to  Deal with Financial Crises

How to Deal with Financial Crises

Most of us live from paycheck to paycheck. That is a curse on salaried employees. If you are a salaried employee—no matter at what level—you will find yourself in financial mess sooner or later. Mosly likely—sooner than later. You know—why? Because, most employees...
A Super Computer Called Human Brain

A Super Computer Called Human Brain

Believe it or not, your brain is more complicated than a super computer. It can browse, access, store and analyse all kinds of information. It is fuelled by your food intake. It entails no extra efforts or extra costs. Your brain is the hardware but all the functions...
Seven Steps to Happiness

Seven Steps to Happiness

If you decide to be happy, nobody can stop you from being happy. You are the sole arbiter of your happiness. Nobody else can make you happy. The seed of happiness in embedded in you. All you have to do is to nurture that seed of happiness and you will unlock the...
Timeline of the Common People

Timeline of the Common People

Most of us lead a typecast life. We seem to believe that we are to spend the first 20 years of our life on education. Then spend the next 40 years in our job and retire at the age of 60. And, then lead a retired life till our death. This fixed mindset turns us into a...
The Six Laws of Wealth

The Six Laws of Wealth

We are born spendthrifts. We are always in a tearing hurry to spend money even before we have earned it. That is why credit card companies are doing roaring business. So are the loan department of banking companies. This is precisely the reason why we fail to generate...
Wait for the Opportune Moment in Life

Wait for the Opportune Moment in Life

There is a time for everything. When the time comes, things will start falling into their right places. When the time is ripe, your progress will be a cakewalk. So, keep working at what you want to achieve and you will achieve success at the opportune moment. Here are...
Live Life on Your Own Terms

Live Life on Your Own Terms

You are the ultimate master of your life. So, don’t bother too much about the society so long as you are not doing something wrong. Society has a lot of time for gossip and to create unwritten laws for its members. Some of them may be good but many of them could lead...
The Hidden Meanings in Our Responses

The Hidden Meanings in Our Responses

Not everyone is straightforward. Not everyone speaks their mind. Not everyone says things without mincing words. The reasons could be wide and varied. But, many a time, we do not say what we mean or do not mean what we say. It does not matter whether we do that...
The Golden Days of Yore

The Golden Days of Yore

The good old days? Yes! Those were the days my friends. The present generation may not realise this but the surviving members of the generation before generation X and the generation before that, still cherish the memories of their good old days. Our society has...