That’s the Way, I Like it

That’s the Way, I Like it

When someone goes out of one’s way to help you, be ready with a big thank you. And, say that with a smile on your face. And, say that in a way that makes one feel that you are really grateful for what the person did for you. If you don’t do that, you are an ingrate....
Mistakes are the Stepping Stones to Success

Mistakes are the Stepping Stones to Success

If you haven’t heard this quote of Albert Einstein, you have heard nothing! Because, he said: ‘A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.’ The fact of the matter is that the more you work, the more the chances of making mistakes. In other words, how...
Crazy Video Games

Crazy Video Games

It was the age of video-mania. I am talking about the 1980s. It was just a couple of years since I took up my first job. I came from a middle class background. But my colleagues came from privileged families. We would form a group and go for a walk during the lunch...