Money Cannot Buy Everything

Money Cannot Buy Everything

Money is very important in life. Money can buy so many things. But there are somethings that money cannot buy. In fact, there are many things that money cannot buy. Money can buy a huge mansion with fountains and swimming pools, but it cannot make a home out of it....
Investing in the Stock Market

Investing in the Stock Market

Stocks appeal to us as a high-return investment. That might be true in a way. Because, you may be able to earn much more by investing in stocks if luck is on your side. But investment in stocks comes with considerable risks. Commenting on the risks of investing in the...
The 50/30/20 Rule for Budgeting

The 50/30/20 Rule for Budgeting

“It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits,” declared Charles A. Jaffe—a renowned author who is still alive and kicking at the age of 121. This makes perfect sense to sensible people. Inculcating a healthy spending habit calls for a reliable...
Invest on Assets not Liabilities

Invest on Assets not Liabilities

No matter how much you earn, your financial stability will always depend on how you spend the money and how much you save out of your earnings. The thumb rule is: Never spend more than what you earn. Don’t be in a hurry to impress others. Because, when you do that,...
Crazy Video Games

Crazy Video Games

It was the age of video-mania. I am talking about the 1980s. It was just a couple of years since I took up my first job. I came from a middle class background. But my colleagues came from privileged families. We would form a group and go for a walk during the lunch...