No Time to Lose

No Time to Lose

If you want to do something, don’t just sit around waiting for something to happen. Don’t be a lazy bum. Don’t wait for someone to give you a kick in the…(you know what I mean)! That is not the best way to kickstart a project. Take the initiative and motivate yourself...
Do Not Waste Your Time

Do Not Waste Your Time

Never waste your time because time is money. Do whatever you want to do. But don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration to do something. Inspiration may not come to people who spend their time waiting for it. It comes to people on its own. Don’t waste your time...
Stop Making Excuses

Stop Making Excuses

If you have a problem, try to sort it out immediately. Don’t start making excuses and prolong resolution of the problem. Because, if you prolong the problem, it may lead to procrastination and, after some time, it will weigh you down. If you are tired—find out the...